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Cornell University

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Since the PhishAlarm feature was introduced earlier this year, more than 6,000 potential threats have been reported. This number is only expected to rise as generative AI is making it easier than ever for hackers to automate their scams and make their attempts look less suspicious. The more…
The holidays are a great time to celebrate. Don't let criminals steal your good cheer. Be aware of scams that prey on your busy schedule and charitable giving. Protect yourself online to ensure a safe and happy holiday season. Spot Phishing Emails A common starting point for many scams is by…
Confirm the SourceVerify that the message is coming from the person's real email address. In email readers and devices that do not display the actual address, hover over the Sender’s name to reveal what follows the @ symbol. Scammers frequently attach a real person's name to a fraudulent email…

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