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Cornell University

Functional Review Project Moves to Initiatives Phase

The Functional Review project, tasked with evaluating IT at Cornell, transitioned from the proposals phase to the initiative phase this summer.

This article applies to: IT Functional Review Project

Committee members are actively pursuing the following proposals outlined this May.


Current status

Hardware asset inventory discovery

  • Discovery project initiation is complete with Statement of Need approved and project framework in place (organization, process, stakeholder analysis, etc.).
  • Requirements elicitation and validation with campus-wide stakeholders complete.
  • User Story and data fields analysis is complete.
  • Vendor demos and conversations with other universities in progress. 

Software asset procurement, licensing, and compliance

  • Procurement is working on a Jaggaer contracts software implementation and proposing a new IWantDoc and procurement process. The IT Functional review team is working with Procurement on the overlap of functions and reviewing how the teams can work together to resolve challenges in this space.
  • A draft workflow was created for a central SAM team.
  • The proposal was delivered to Executive Leadership. Additional analysis into return on investment and scope of project has been requested.
  • A student intern worked this summer to produce an ROI Business Case to justify a central SAM team.  They applied the University of Boulder’s Business Case as a template, using Cornell’s data.
  • Market research started on SAM tools.

Categorize software purchases university-wide

  • Software purchases by commodity code and object code were provided by Procurement.
  • All software Statements Of Need (SofN) approved in the last year were obtained.
  • A student intern analyzed and categorized the SofN reports and identified software purchases and contractor/other purchases. They grouped the software by vendor, categorized the software purchases by type, determined how many units purchased, identified price discrepancies, and determined which tools had enterprise-wide licenses. 

Dell Professional Review of CU provisioning practices

  • Committee members worked with Dell to prepare for an on-site Dell Technologies – Cornell Client Deployment Assessment (CDU) of CU’s provisioning and imaging processes.
  • Cornell hosted an on-site visit by Dell during the week of July 10, 2023, working with IT representatives from across campus.
  • Dell provided a draft (CDA) Findings Presentation. Review their findings here.
  • The Taskforce team is working on planning next steps for implementation on some of the recommendations identified by Dell.

Establish university-wide framework of IT Metrics and KPIs

  • Curt Cole worked with University Budget to identify some financial metrics important to the University.
  • The committee will regroup and work with college Business Officers to identify metrics useful to the colleges.

Update DNS service

  • The Imaging Taskforce and the Network/DNS team met to discuss challenges.
  • Taskforce will prioritize list of top challenges for the DNS team to focus on. 
  • Both groups will work together on a technical roadmap for implementation.

Changes to purchases through campus store

  • Tom Romantic is working to enable e-shop through the campus store. Weill Cornell will pilot the rollout.

Object codes to distinguish between software and hardware purchases

  • Procurement provided reports by commodity code and object code for software purchases.
  • The team analyzed the reports and found that units across campus were using many various objects codes for software purchases inconsistently between departments.
  • The committee determined that a campus-wide educational campaign centered around object codes for software and hardware purchases is needed.

Each initiative has an independent timeline, but all are in active development. If you have questions about the projects please contact the individual task force committees.

As the project moves forward, the executive committee welcomes feedback as well as volunteers. If you are interested in participating on any of the task forces, contact Sarah Christen.


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