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Cornell University

Archive vs. Backup (EZ-Backup)

This article applies to: EZ-Backup

The EZ-Backup software makes distinctions between the “backup/restore” function and the “archive/retrieve” function.

When a file is backed up, it’s stored on the EZ-Backup server for a specified number of days and a specified number of versions. For more info, see the version information. Backups are usually incremental, which means files are backed up only if they have changed since the last backup. For more info, see our Incremental Backups article. According to Tivoli, the EZ-Backup software vendor:

“Backup: The process of saving the files on your computer to a server. The server is usually in a different location. TSM can retain multiple versions of a file that you backed up to the server. For example, you backed up a file on Monday, updated the file on Tuesday and then backed it up again to the server. TSM retains the backup version you made on Monday and changes it to an inactive version. The file that you backed up to the server on Tuesday becomes the active backup version.”

“Restore: The process of copying files that you backed up (backup versions) from the server to your computer. You can restore a backup version to its original location or a different location on your computer.”

Archival is not incremental. When you archive a file, it will stay stored in the EZ-Backup server forever (or until the retention period of the associated management class is reached). If you delete the file from your computer, nothing would happen to the archived copy of that file (if it was archived). However, a backup copy of that file would expire 60 days (default) after the file was deleted from your workstation. By default, we maintain two copies of long-term archival data, but you are only charged for one copy. According to Tivoli, the EZ-Backup software vendor:

“Archive: The process of saving your files to a server in objects called active packages. You can assign a description to an archive package. Files that are archived are called archived copies. The server usually retains an archive copy for a long period of time, but keeps only one version on the server.”

“Retrieve: The process of getting your archived copies back from the server. You can retrieve them to their original location or to a different location on your computer.”

Backups are intended to protect data. Backups are usually automated. Archives are intended for long-term archival of data. Archival is usually done manually.


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