Join us on Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 2:00pm in 701 Clark Hall for a discussion of Cornell’s new and updated space policies that are being used to shape the Scheduling and Space Inventory project. We will review Cornell space and scheduling policies, including Access to Space for Events, Use of Central Scheduling Tools, and Instructional Space Scheduling.
Recognizing the need for a university-wide system to manage academic and event reservations and facility space, the Scheduling and Space inventory project is a cross-divisional effort that has been undertaken based on the late President Garrett's survey to determine areas of administrative burden, which identified facilities inventory management and reservations as one of the top four areas for improvement.
For more information, you can visit the Scheduling and Space Inventory Project site, as well as the Policy Information page. You may also attend the meeting by logging in to this Zoom meeting: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/151461898 To get started with Zoom, login to your account at https://cornell.zoom.us/.
Full event details Space and Scheduling Policy Town Hall