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Cornell University

Create a Playlist (Basic) Channel in Appspace

In Appspace, a channel allows you to organize and publish content to a digital sign. Playlist or Basic channels consist of a single, full-screen playlist of content that will be shown in sequence on a digital sign.

This article applies to: CUView Digital Signs

  1. To create a new channel, go to your Appspace Dashboard, then click the quick actions button at the top right of the screen.
  2. On the quick actions menu, click Create Channel.

    Appspace quick action menu showing Create Channel selection
  3. On the Create Playlist Channel screen, type a name for the new channel, then click Create.
  4. On the Channels screen for your new channel, begin adding content by clicking Add Content (big blue button).

    Appspace Add Content button in new channel  
  5. Upload and manage content in your playlist channel as described in Adding Content to a Playlist (non-Advanced) Channel in Appspace.


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