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Cornell University

Get Confluence Notifications

How to setup Confluence notifications through watches or RSS Feeds.

This article applies to: Confluence

There are two ways that you can choose to be notified when content in Confluence is updated.


Setting a page, blog, or space watch will cause Confluence to send you an email whenever a change is made to the page, blog, or space you're watching.

Emails are triggered for all changes to a page, whether small or large, so consider how using this feature could affect your email inbox. You could potentially receive many emails from your space, depending upon the frequency of changes or edits and how many users are in your space. For more information, see Confluence's documentation for setting up a watch on a page, space or blog

RSS Feed

Setting up and subscribing to an RSS feed will cause the page to be listed by your RSS reader when an update is made. Visit the Confluence website to learn more about using RSS Feeds with your page or space.

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