BitLocker: Managed BitLocker (MBAM)
MBAM (Microsoft BitLocker Administration and Monitoring) is automatically installed and configured on all Configuration Manager clients, unless you have manually excluded them from BitLocker management.
This article applies to: BitLocker
All managed computers in Configuration Manager now have their BitLocker managed and configured by ConfigMan itself. Configuration Manager will automatically install the MBAM (Microsoft BitLocker Administration and Monitoring) client, encrypt the drive (if it has not already been encrypted during the imaging process), and escrow the recovery key to the ConfigMan database.
If you want to exclude a computer in Configuration Manager from BitLocker management, add it to your unit's "[Unit Prefix] - MD - Bitlocker Master Exclusion" collection.
You can view the status of managed BitLocker on your computers using the built-in reports in Configuration Manager, located in Monitoring-->Reporting-->Reports-->BitLocker Management.
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