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Cornell University

Getting Started with the 3Play Media Website

The information on this page is intended for account owners of human captioning accounts.

This article applies to: Video Accessibility and Captioning

New users of the human captioning service should review the Getting Started video tutorials on the vendor website.

To begin, visit Video Tutorials. At that vendor webpage, click the Select a Category dropdown, then select Getting Started to show available video tutorials in the category.

The 3Play Media Dashboard 

Account owners and authorized users can access their account for 3Play Media by logging in to the 3Play website.  

The account dashboard displays a list of current media files that have been uploaded to your 3Play Media account for human captioning. 

Be aware that 3Play Media uses the term “project” to refer to a department or group’s account.

My Files screen with media for captioning, available actions at top, and sidebar of search filters.

Filter Which Files Are Displayed 

While logged in to your 3Play Media account, you can search for files that have been uploaded, and filter which are shown in the file list. For details, see the vendor documentation Search Your Files.  

Switch Between Different Human Captioning Projects (i.e., Accounts) 

Requesting human captioning services for Video on Demand and non-VOD media must be done by using separate projects (or accounts). Account owners for departments or groups may need to switch between those separate projects while managing approvals, invoices, and billing.  


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