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Cornell University

Eligibility for Microsoft Campus Agreement

This article applies to: Software Licensing and Installation

Cornell University has renewed the Microsoft Campus Agreement to provide the Desktop Bundle for all computers owned by Cornell University.

The Microsoft Campus Agreement allows Cornell University Technical Support Providers (TSPs) to download selected Microsoft Windows desktop operating systems and install them onto Cornell-owned computers owned by Cornell University. Funding for this agreement is provided centrally with no back-charge to departments. This is an upgrade license. To qualify, new computers must be purchased with an OEM installation of some version of Microsoft Windows (for example, Windows 11 Home).

The Campus Agreement only applies to computers that are owned by Cornell University. Cornell employees are NOT authorized to install this software onto personally-owned computers or onto computers owned by an organization other than Cornell University. In the event that a Cornell-owned computer is resold or donated, any Windows software that was installed under the Campus Agreement must be removed before ownership is transferred to a non-Cornell entity.

Students, retirees, and alumni are not covered by the Campus Agreement, and are not authorized to download software covered by the Agreement.

Please note that the Weill Cornell Medical College has its own arrangement in place with Microsoft, and is not covered by the Campus Agreement. Weill Cornell staff and faculty should check with their local IT providers for information about Microsoft licensing.


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