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Cornell University

Set Time Zone (Outlook on the Web)

By default, your time zone is set to Eastern Time (US & Canada) the first time you access your account through Outlook on the Web. This articled describes how to change that setting.

This article applies to: Outlook on the Web

Microsoft frequently updates the design of Outlook on the web, so your version may not match exactly the description given here.

By default, your time zone is set to Eastern Time (US & Canada) the first time you access your account through Outlook on the Web.

Here's how to change your setting.

  1. In the red, Cornell-branded Office 365 nav bar, click the gear icon, then click View all Outlook settings.
  2. In the left column of the Settings pane, click General.
  3. In the second column, click Language and time.
  4. Set your Current time zone.
  5. Click X in the upper-right corner to close the Settings pane and return to your mailbox.


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