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Microsoft 365 Home

The Microsoft 365 Home page was recently updated to make it faster and easier to find the files you and your collaborators are working with.

It has a Recommended section that lets you know about activity you may want to be aware of. It includes files you've recently shared, files that have recently had significant edits, or that a close collaborator of yours has made a fair amount of changes to.

There's also a Quick Access section where you can filter files you have access to by whether you've recently opened them, shared (to you or by you), and documents you've favorited.

You can reach your Microsoft 365 home page by going to and when presented with the sign-in prompt, entering your address, then signing in as you normally would. 

Another way to find documents and other content is through Microsoft Search, at the top of Outlook on the web, Microsoft Office apps on Windows and the web, OneDrive, and SharePoint. It's being added to more Microsoft apps over time.

When you start typing in the search box, you'll see suggested searches and results based on your previous activity in Microsoft 365 and on content that’s been shared with you. Even just clicking in the search box will provide suggestions.

Microsoft Search is personal to you. Others will see different results than you, even when you both search for the same words. Only content you or they have permission to see will appears in search results.

For more information, see Microsoft's Find what you need with Microsoft Search



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