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Cornell University

Cornell Cybersecurity Events

This article applies to: National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Every October, we recognize Cybersecurity Awareness Month and our shared responsibility to be proactive about digital privacy and security. Cornell continues to be a Champion organization for 2022. Cybersecurity impacts daily life for all of us—both at home and work—and we want you to know what it takes to stay safe online.

There are all kinds of ways to protect your valuable data. Practicing the basics of cybersecurity is a simple way to start. We’re all responsible for our internet safety, so let’s remember to be cyber smart. Stay tuned for more events in 2023!

Cornell Cybersecurity Events

These events are open to the Cornell community.

Join IT@Cornell and the IT Security Office as we host events and share best practices for keeping you and your devices protected.

IT Security SIG Virtual Trivia

Wednesday, October 12, 2022, from 10:30am–12noon.

Join us for this year's Cybersecurity Awareness Month trivia event. The IT Security SIG is sponsored by the IT Security Office and open to security liaisons, technical support providers, and those interested in learning more about security-related topics. Attend for your chance to win!

PhishLine Benchmark Campaign

October 17–21, 2022

The annual PhishLine Benchmark campaign allows Cornell departments and units to safely participate in a simulated phishing attack. PhishLine participants will be able to anonymously compare their department's or unit's results with other industries across the nation. To participate, send the names and email addresses of the users you would like to include to the IT Security Office by Friday, Oct 7, 2022.

Ivy+ CyberFest 2022

Wednesday and Thursday, October 26–27, 2022, from 1–6pm ET.

Stanford has partnered with leading universities around the country to bring you the 2022 Cybersecurity and Privacy Festival, with diverse perspectives and expert information that will prepare you to recognize and defend against the latest cybersecurity threats. This all-virtual event was brought to you by the Ivy+ community.

Community Outreach Events

These events may be private or require participants to opt in.

Personal Security Best Practices

The IT Security Office is reaching out to the community to raise awareness about online safety. Members of the IT Security Office are available to speak with students at local schools as part of their digital literacy curriculum.

  • If you are an educator interested in having an IT security engineer speak with your class, please contact the IT Security Office at for more information.


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