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Cornell University

Ideas for Using AI and Microsoft 365 Copilot Chat

Examples of different ways you can use AI and Microsoft Copilot.

This article applies to: Microsoft 365 Copilot Chat

Summarize a Long Article, Document, or PDF

Turn a complex PDF, a long webpage or a multi-topic speech into a bulleted list, short paragraph, or single-sentence summary.

In Copilot you can request: 

summarize in five bullet points

The Copilot sidebar in the Microsoft Edge browser makes summarizing web content easy. You can navigate to a web article, then enter a prompt like in the Copilot sidebar:

Summarize this page

Understand Scientific Papers

Check your understanding of a research paper. Ask Copilot: summarize the main points of

The Copilot sidebar in the Microsoft Edge browser makes summarizing web content easy. You can navigate to the scientific article (either web- or PDF-based), then enter a prompt like in the Copilot sidebar:

Summarize this page

Draft Emails

Get started with a difficult email. Ask Copilot: draft an email to my manager to ask for a raise

Copilot in the Microsoft Edge sidebar gives you a Compose option. This feature guides you through the drafting process and also asks what kind of tone, length, etc. that you want for your email.
Using AI to generate content can be perceived as cheating or plagiarism. You may want to use these functions to help you get started on a draft document rather than presenting the work as your own.

Edit Your Writing

Try basic prompts like, Suggest ways to improve this content.

Compare different prompts:

  • Check the grammar of: I would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study.
  • Copyedit the sentence: i would found an institution where any person can find instruction in any study.

Learn New Things Quickly

Instead of sifting through articles to find the best source, ask questions tailored to your needs and interests to get consolidated key points from the internet for you.

Ask for answers like, Explain how a large language model works in simple terms.

Try tailoring information to a specific audience, for example, Explain e=mc^2 to a college student.

Get Answers to Complex and Specific Questions

When you think, “There can’t be an article on this topic,” it may be a good time to try chat. Chat can handle questions that require multiple data points or a degree of analysis.

Ask for answers in a format you like, for example, Give me a table that compares two laptops available at The Cornell Store. Try swapping out the table for a pros and cons list.

Generate Code

Create basic routines like, Give me Javascript code that prints "hello world" in a large, bold, fun font colored with Cornell red.

Create Images

Microsoft Copilot uses DALL-E to generate images from your text prompts.

If you have an Adobe license, you may have access to Adobe's Firefly AI image creation tool. Firefly incorporates image editing capabilities into its product that Copilot does not.

Prompts for images require more specificity, and may take some refinement to get from the idea in your mind to a usable image. Image generators will take liberty with the elements you leave out.

To illustrate this try the following sequence in Microsoft Copilot:

  1. show an image of door opening with representation of artificial intelligence through an open door
  2. show an image door opening with representation of artificial intelligence through an open door. the foreground is wood and brick wall
  3. show an image door opening with representation of artificial intelligence through an open door. the foreground is wood and brick wall and landscape
  4. show an image door opening with representation of artificial intelligence through an open door. the foreground is wood and brick wall sized for landscape orientation
  5. show an image door opening with representation of artificial intelligence through an open door. the foreground is wood and brick wall sized 480x960px

You may find that Microsoft Copilot does not reliably build on previous image prompts. If you start with show an image of door opening and then say now add a representation of artificial intelligence in the next prompt you may get an image, or you may get something else entirely. You may need to re-enter the entire prompt with your modification. 

Share Your Experiences

For those interested in sharing your experiences, understanding the boundaries, exploring the possibilities, and learning how to effectively use Microsoft Copilot, join the Microsoft Copilot SIG organized through Teams, and open to all members of the Cornell community.

Guidance on Teaching with AI (Center for Teaching Innovation)


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