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Cornell University

Customize Email Reminders for Hoteling Space Reservations

Many units and departments provide "hoteling space" for workers who usually work remotely, but need to be on campus occasionally. These instructions help you customize reminders forl a hoteling space reservation. Statler Hotel reservations are handled by the hotel directly.

This article applies to: Hoteling Space Reservation System

By default, when someone makes a reservation, they will receive an email confirmation immediately and a reminder one day before the reservation.

You can add custom text to the confirmation and/or schedule additional reminders.

Add Custom Information to the Confirmation

  1. Open the administrative panel for your Hoteling Space.
  2. In the left column, click Services.
  3. Click the service (the type of space) you want to edit. If you want the same settings for all of your services, you will need to set them individually for each service type.
  4. Scroll down to Custom Fields.
  5. The standard confirmation email includes the date, time, duration, and location of the space reserved. To add text to the confirmation email, enter it under Additional Information for Email Confirmation. For example, you might includes notes on parking or a reminder that they'll need their ID card)
  6. Click Save at the top of the page when finished.

Create Additional Email Reminders

  1. Open the administrative panel for your Hoteling Space. [[ link to https:/hoteling-space/access-your-hoteling-space-admin-panel ]]
  2. In the left column, click Services.
  3. Click the service (the type of space) you want to edit. If you want the same settings for all of your services, you will need to set them individually for each service type.
  4. Scroll down to Custom Fields.
  5. To add an email reminder, click Add an email reminder. Even though it is not listed here, every reservation will generate a reminder one day in advance.
  6. Set how far in advance of the reservation you want the reminder sent.
  7. Leave Send reminder to set to Customer.
  8. (Optional) The reminder will include the date, time, and specific space reserved. You can enter any additional text you want to include (for example, notes on parking or a reminder that they'll need their ID card).
  9. Click Save just below the reminder text field.
  10. (Optional) You can add more reminders by repeating steps 5-9 here.
  11. Click Save at the top of the page when finished.


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