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Cornell University

SMTP Setting Locations in Common Mail Apps

This article applies to: Email @ Cornell

The recommended ways of using Cornell email are:

  • For Cornell Office 365 mail, any Outlook-branded app.
  • For Cornell Google Workspace, using the web interface at

For more complete information about the settings below for Office 365, see Other Ways to Manage Your Cornell Email. For more complete information about the settings for Google Workspace, see Google’s Use IMAP to check Gmail on other email clients.

Android Gmail App

  1. Click the three lines in the upper left of the app.
    Icon used to get to Gmail app settings.
  2. Select Settings.
    Icon for Settings within options in Gmail app
  3. Select Outgoing Settings.
    Outgoing server settings in Gmail App

Settings for G Suite
SMTP settings for G Suite: Requires SSL: Yes Requires TLS: Yes (if available) Requires Authentication: Yes Port for SSL: 465 Port for TLS/STARTTLS: 587

Settings for Office 365
SMTP settings for Office 365: set the SMTP server to and use port 587 and set the encryption to STARTTLS.

Mail for iOS

  1. On the home screen, touch Settings.
    Settings icon from iOS
  2. Search for Accounts.
  3. Select the account you want to edit, then choose the Outgoing Mail Server for it.
    Outgoing server settings in iOS mail app

Settings for Office 365
Set hostname to and server port to 587.

Settings for G Suite
Set hostname to and server port to 465.

Apple Mail for macOS

While in Apple Mail, from the top menu, click on Mail, then select Accounts.

Settings for Office 365
Change outgoing mail server (SMTP) host name to

Settings for Google Workspace
Change outgoing mail server (SMTP) host name to


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