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Cornell University

Call for participation

Dear Students,

We are delighted to inform you of internship opportunities available for remote positions through the Office of Job Placement and Student Services at Cornell University. Our primary focus is to assist students who may be experiencing financial difficulties while providing them with an excellent research experience. The maximum required work hours per week for this opportunity is seven hours, with flexible schedules that can be done from home or on-campus. Students will receive compensation of $300 per week.

This internship opportunity is open to students from all departments of the institution, and tasks can be performed remotely. However, the vacancies are limited, and selection will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis. If you're interested in this opportunity, kindly contact Professor [name] via an ALTERNATIVE EMAIL ADDRESS, to [email address] stating your full name, phone number, alternative email address, department, and year of study, to request more information about job requirements and application details.

Early application is encouraged due to the limited available slots. We look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Office of Job Placement and Student Services

Cornell University

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