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Smartsheet will give a significant discount to its service if at least 300 current or new subscribers choose the Enterprise version. The discounted cost is $396 (regular $654), a nearly 40% savings.

There are nearly 400 active Smartsheet licenses at Cornell, so the university can easily meet this subscription goal.

A few additional details:

  • Current subscribers: Sign up now, rather than wait for your subscription to expire so that the rate becomes available to the Cornell community. If you convert now, it will count towards the 300 subscriber threshold.
  • New subscribers: You will not need to complete a Statement of Need for this subscription.
  • Additional features: The Enterprise version offers Pro Desk support, Smartsheet University, HIPPA compliance, DocuSign Integration and user control features, which are not available with a regular business license:

If you would like to convert your Smartsheet licenses or are interested in purchasing new Smartsheet license at the discounted rate, please contact John Mack ( for more information.


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