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Two identical chairs and high speed servers represent the backup process

Like the transition of music media from vinyl to streaming, data storage and backup solutions also evolved with advances in technology. 

Once dependent on tape libraries and legacy processes, Cornell's server backup service, EZ-Backup, has transitioned to Cohesity. The final sweep of servers still in the legacy solution will be completed in October and early November 2024. 

Spectrum Protect will absorb no additional data as of November 15 

The migration of backup services for servers to Cohesity and for workstations or laptops to CrashPlan has been aligned with the end of the EZ-Backup service hosted on the IBM platform, Spectrum Protect. On November 15, 2024, active backups in Spectrum Protect will cease, and no new information will be added to those archives. 

To avoid data loss, schedule all remaining active backups still mapped to the legacy EZ-Backup service for migration to Cohesity by the end of October. Inactive EZ-Backup nodes require no action at this time, and data stored in Spectrum Protect will be preserved and options for long-term archival will be discussed in 2025.



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