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Launched in April 2024 by Governor Kathy Hochul, Empire AI connects public and private universities in New York in order to establish a state-of-the-art artificial intelligence computing center at SUNY’s University at Buffalo. Cornell University joined Empire AI as one of the founding members of the consortium.
Funded by over $400 million in public and private investment, Empire AI aims to give researchers, public organizations, and small companies the opportunity to develop AI tools for non-corporate-focused interests in New York.
Faculty and Researchers Are Invited to Participate
An early version of the GPU supercluster, “Alpha”, will come online by early November. The consortium invites the research community to stress test this shared resource. There will be no institutional or user fees for running compute jobs on Alpha.
Read the complete details about how to participate, what will be asked of Alpha’s test group, and how to submit a work order request.
The application deadline is October 31, 2024.
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