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Elevate your computing and data-related skills through workshop sessions curated by the Cornell Center for Social Sciences! Sessions encompass topics such as replication, data processing, and qualitative analysis.

Spring Computing & Data Workshops from Cornell Center for Social Sciences

Register for Spring Computing and Data Workshops

Elevate your computing and data-related skills through workshop sessions curated by the Cornell Center for Social Sciences! Sessions encompass topics such as replication, data processing, and qualitative analysis.

Upcoming Workshop Sessions:

Data Processing

  • Feb. 5: Research Opportunities at the Cornell FSRDC
  • Feb. 20: Web Scraping in R
  • Mar.11: Web Scraping in Python


  • Feb. 6: Creating Reports in RMarkdown and Quarto

Qualitative Analysis

  • Mar. 12: Coding and Summarizing Qualitative Data with MaxQDA
  • Apr. 16: Coding and Summarizing Qualitative Data with Atlas.ti

How to Register:

Use our registration form to sign up for sessions. Course descriptions, learning objectives, pre-requisites, and other helpful information can be found on the CCSS website.

Attend In-person or on Zoom:

CCSS workshops are held in person at 291 Clark Hall and via Zoom and are open to the Cornell community.

Questions: Message


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