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Cornell University

Get Support for Media3

How to contact technical support for Media3 managed web hosting.

This article applies to: Media3 Managed Web Hosting

Open a Ticket

The best way to get support for Media3 is to open a ticket directly on their website.

Tickets will be received and triaged by “level one” Media3 support staff.  You should expect an initial response from Media3 within approximately 30 minutes.

To open a ticket:

Virtual Machine Owners

Media3 support is available 24x7.
  1. Connect to the Media3 Dashboard. Enter your NetID and password to login.
  2. Select Help/Support.
  3. Select Open New Ticket.
  4. Fill in the online form with your:
    1. Name will be filled in for you.
    2. Email will be filled in for you.
    3. Enter a Email a Copy of this ticket to (if someone else needs to be included on the ticket).
    4. Select the server name in the Issue is Regarding Domain or Server dropdown list.
    5. Enter Domain or Server here if not in list if applicable.
    6. Select Category.
Other is alphabetic in the list under O.
  1. Enter URL or Location of Related Files (if applicable).
  2. Enter Details.
  3. Enter Error Messages (if applicable).
  4. Select Submit.

All Other Users

Media3 support is available 24x7.
  1. Connect to the Media3 Dashboard. Enter your NetID and password to login.
  2. Media3 will take you directly to the Help/Support page. 
John Q. Smith is the generic account for all other users.
  1. Skip the Server Lookup form.
  2. Under Support Request Form:
    1. Enter your Name.
    2. Email will be filled in for you.
    3. Enter a CC contact (if someone else needs to be included on the ticket).
    4. Skip the Issue is Regarding Sever dropdown list.
    5. Under URL or Server here if not in list, enter the URL of the site you tried to reach.
    6. Select Category.
Other is alphabetic in the list under O.
  1. Enter URL or Location of Related Files (if applicable).
  2. Enter Details.
  3. Enter Error Messages (if applicable).
  4. If the issue is urgent, select Urgent.
  5. Select Submit.


Call Live Support:  (800) 903-9327 

Call Automated Support:  (888) 505-9327 


Chat Support:  Select Live Chat on Media3's Website


To share feedback about this page or request support, log in with your NetID

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