Arrange for PeopleSoft Developer Access, Permits, and Permissions
Arrange for PeopleSoft Developer Access, Permits, and Permissions for vendors or consultants
Security administrators have created PeopleSoft Developer roles for each instance. In the dev instances, Cornell PeopleSoft developers have full access.
Task responsibility
Task details
Cornell University
Send a request to to grant Developer access, including Application Designer Access, for the NetID. Also request database access, via an Oracle database user account, with the following roles:
psdev (psdisc, if needed): connect, freeforall, ronly, select_catalog_role
psutst: connect, ronly, select_catalog_role
Send a request to for the NetID to be added to the and permits.
Send a request to to assign the following roles and permissions to the NetID and Name:
psdev roles: hrpdev, marstech, ReportDistAdmin
psdev permissions: ppdev, allpanls, cuniv
psutst roles: hrpdev, marstech, ReportDistAdmin
psutst permissions: ppdev, ppmask, cuniv
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