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The IT Governance Statement of Need form has been streamlined to include Web Accessibility (WA) triage and Technology Risk Assessment (TRA) triage.
The Statement of Need form is the first step toward purchasing IT software, applications, or services. Cornell’s commitment to web accessibility and security requires CIT to evaluate technology requests for both accessibility and risk.
When filling out the Statement of Need, preparers will be asked questions to determine if the WA and/or TRA need to be submitted. If required, the system will automatically submit WA and TRA triage requests. Preparers will receive emails upon submission with the outcome of the WA triage (if applicable) as well as an email from the TRA TDX system.
Preparers, ITSG Reps, and people who have had the form submitted on their behalf, can access the WA and TRA triage links with the Statement of Need dashboard. Please visit IT Governance for more information, and if you have any questions, email the IT Project Management Office.
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