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Cornell University

Create Calendar Events (Outlook on the Web)

A calendar event is an all-day meeting or appointment.

This article applies to: Outlook on the Web

On This Page

Microsoft frequently updates the design of Outlook on the web, so your version may not match exactly the description given here.

A quick terminology guide

  • An appointment is an item you create for yourself.
  • A meeting is just like an appointment, except that it includes more than one person.
  • An event is an all-day appointment or meeting, or a note about that date.

You'll follow very similar steps to create and work with appointments, meetings, and events.

The steps you take to create an event are nearly the same as those for creating an appointment (if the event is just for you) or a meeting (if you want to invite others).

Create a Very Simple Event (for yourself only)

  1. In the lower-left corner, click the Calendar icon.
  2. Navigate to the date you want.
  3. Click in the section just below the dates (above the view of the day's timeline). A dialog box will open.
  4. Enter the Title for the event.
  5. Click Save.

Create an Event (for yourself or including others)

  1. In the lower-left corner, click the Calendar icon.
  2. Click New event (at the upper left, just under the red nav bar). An event form will open.
  3. Fill in the Event title (required) and Location (optional). The Location field does not reserve the room. Instead, follow the steps listed on our Propose a Meeting page (linked to at the end of these steps).
  4. Enter the Start date.
  5. Click the All day slider to turn it on (it will become highlighted when on).
  6. (optional) Enter notes in the large text area.

Now follow the steps for either method of adding attendees as described in our Propose a Meeting article.

For appointments where you do not want your delegates (or others with whom you've shared your calendar) to know the content of the meeting (for example, a doctor's appointment), change the Show As value (which probably shows either "Free" or "Busy" to Private.

Recurring Events

To set up a recurring, regularly scheduled event, click Repeat in the event form while you're creating or editing that item. The dropdown list shows several common patterns. 

To change a recurring item back to a one-time item, set Repeat to Never.

We've found that making changes to recurring events can cause calendars to become out of sync. It's often better to delete the recurring event and start over with a fresh one, rather than edit an existing one. See our Maintaining Calendar Harmony article for more information about avoiding calendar confusion.

Delete an event

If the event only involves you

In any calendar view, click once on the item, then select Delete.

If you're deleting a recurring item, you'll be asked whether you want to delete just the one item you selected, or all occurrences of that item.

Do not delete events involving others

Deleting causes calendars to get out of sync and may cause the Calendar Repair Assistant to put the meeting back on your (and other) calendars.

If the event involves others and you are the event creator

In any calendar view, click once on the item, then select Cancel.

If you event involves others and you are not the meeting creator

Click once on the item, then click your previous response (probably "Yes, I'll attend"). Select the appropriate new response.


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