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Cornell University

Approve/Reject Requests for GuestIDs

This article applies to: GuestIDs

When a guest uses the Request a GuestID process, and follows the directions in the confirmation email they then receive, an email message is automatically sent to the people authorized to approve requests. (See our Create a Guest-Only Group page for more information on identifying the authorized approvers.)

That email message displays the information entered by the guest and a link to the approve/reject page.

On the approve/reject page, the OU administrator selects the appropriate radio button, and has the option of including explanatory text.

  • If the request is approved, the guest is notified, and the GuestID is given membership in the specified group.
  • If the request is rejected, the guest is notified.
  • If no action is taken on the requested GuestID, or if the request is rejected, the GuestID will be deleted after seven days.

If another authorizer tries to follow the link in the email message, they'll be told the GuestID has already been approved.

The approve/reject link remains active for seven days, so even after being rejected, some other authorizer can approve the request.

If, after seven days have passed, an authorizer tries to follow the link in the email message, they'll be told the GuestID no longer exists.


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