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Cornell University

Switch a Group from Global to Universal (CornellAD Group Management)

This article applies to: Group Management

On This Page

When you create groups, it's a good idea to set them up as universal groups from the start. Groups must be universal in order to mail-enable the group or add a reference group as a member.

Switch Using the ARS Console

  1. Navigate to the group, and then double-click the group name. The Properties dialog box will open.
  2. On theGeneral tab, under Group scope, make sure Universal is selected. Click OK.

Switch Using the Web Interface

  1. Navigate to the group.
  2. Click the group name to open the detailed view.
    • Select General Properties from the list at the top of the pane. (It may already be selected.)
    • Click General. (It may already be selected.)
    • Under Group Scope, make sure Universal is selected.
  3. Click Save (at the bottom of the pane).


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