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Cornell University

CU Print Refunds

This article applies to: CU Print

CU Print printers have been configured to issue a 100% refund automatically if a technical problem occurred while your print job was being printed.

A 50% refund will be given when an individual initiates and releases a print job that is:

  • More pages than they expected, but conveyed correctly in the print window and release screen.
  • More copies than they expected, but conveyed correctly in the print window and release screen.
  • Formatted differently than they expected, but conveyed correctly in the print window and release screen.
  • Not the result of a clear technical error.

If your job did not print correctly and a refund was not automatically issued, you can request a refund.

  1. Log in to the CU Print web portal with your NetID and password.
  2. Select Recent Print Jobs in the left sidebar. A list of your account's recent jobs will be displayed.
  3. Select request refund for the print job that did not print correctly.
  4. On the Refund Request page, indicate whether you are seeking the Full amount or a Partial amount (for example, if all but the last two page printed correctly). In the case of a partial refund, fill in the amount of the refund sought. Print cost per side printed can be found in our Fees and Billings article.
  5. In the Reason for Request field, explain the situation.
  6. Select Send.

Technical problems (such as paper jams) should be reported to the IT Service Desk.


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