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Cornell University


Cornell's IT policies exist to maintain, secure, and ensure the legal and appropriate use of the university's information technology infrastructure. Security and privacy policies work together to provide the campus community with a high-quality, trusted, and secure campus computing environment. They also help protect and secure property interests, data, and intellectual property.

The development, formulation, and promulgation of university-level IT policies requires coordination with the University Policy Office. See Policy 4.1, Formulation and Issuance of University Policies.

University IT Policies

See the complete list of Cornell University information technology policies.

Campus Code of Conduct

Violations listed under Policy 5.1, Responsible Use of Information Technology Resources, are also violations of the Student Code of Conduct.

Code of Academic Integrity

The Code of Academic Integrity was adopted by the Faculty Council of Representatives and applies to all students. The Dean of the appropriate college handles violations of the Code of Academic Integrity according to the procedures defined in the code. The computer and network-related violations are also covered under Policy 5.1, Responsible Use of Information Technology Resources. Refer to the examples in these policies to determine where to direct reports of incidents.


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